Frequently asked questions about our organisation
How does The Needy Today sponsorship program affect the lives of needy people?

Most importantly, our sponsorship to these deprived categories of people has a lot to render. Over the past our course has impacted meaningfully on the lives of the people we support. Through our programmes, Orphans/less privileged children, deprived women, disabled persons and deplorable youths have been able to recover from life atrocities by achieving their full potentials by tapping into available opportunities. The support we get from partners are strategically used to provide assistance ranging from educational/skills training, health care, quality care support including food, foster care/adoption, wears, support in agriculture, microfinance support to foster parents and provision of handicapped support materials to disabled persons. Our interventions have yielded surprising dividend as it has restored the got-away future of these people. We really hope to reach many more but limited resources have been a very shooting challenge.

How does sponsorship affect others in the beneficiary’s family and community?

Because our organization’s concern is to create an enabling environment for our beneficiaries, the impact however has been in both ways i.e., as we purposefully design the lives of our beneficiaries, there has also been a spillover effect as related family members as well as the communities have also benefitted. From our support there has been a transfer of knowledge and resources to their family members/communities by the beneficiary. Through our supports, beneficiaries in return have also affected the lives of their relations and communities.

How long should a sponsorship last?

Children typically enter The Needy Today at the age of 2 month to ten years. They continue for as long as they want to proceed in School. Some sponsors support a child their entire time until they would now be able to earn for themselves. Levels of support may vary as desired by the funder.

For adults, sponsorship trend would also vary as hoped by the sponsor but has a target. Our course pins on the fact that we want to make our beneficiaries self-reliant and sustainable as we would want to see them overtake the trances of life more definitely. So it would depend on once we have fully strengthening them to paddle on their own more effectively.

What would happen when a sponsorship ends/discontinues?

For a child, the organization would seek a new sponsor as soon as possible. This also goes for other funding projects. Once the need arises to continue a project and the first phase of funding ends, we will seek another funder for a completion or continuation of similar course.

What does TNT sponsorship program offer to sponsors?

Sponsorship gives people the opportunity to learn about deprived people in poverty and move them to be involved in the process of contributing meaningfully to the growth of the needy person over a span. Our organization owes this belief and deep consideration to our sponsors at different levels requiring their immense roles played in our programes. Our beneficiaries are fully aware of the different roles and recognize these sponsors in appreciating terms. With every sponsorship, we let the beneficiary(s) know the sponsor behind the course and also create a medium for identification through photographs/videos and live communication to enhance trust and reliance medium. Beyond this, we always encourage our sponsors to reach us in person at anytime to feel the reality on the ground themselves. The children we have supported so far have grown up with deep affection appreciating their sponsors and knowing very well how much they mean to them, and they have always prayed for their sponsors for God to keep them and increase them endlessly. As an organization, we only create the possible links and regularly keep our funder posted on development so far. It has been an interacting effect during the course and we always encourage our partners to stay with us and achieve the goal together. DEFINITELY,THERE ARE MANY MORE TO HELP, SO THIS ORGANISATION IS ALWAYS OPEN AND LOOKING FORWARD TO SPONSORSHIP PROGRAMMES SO THAT WE WOULD BE ABLE TO SUPPORT MOST NEEDY DEPRIVED CATEGORY OF PEOPLE

How often should I communicate with my sponsored beneficiary (ies)?

Being considered a stakeholder in all our programmes, a sponsor is always allowed to reach or communicate with us or directly with the beneficiary(ries) at anytime he/she wishes.

Can I visit my sponsored beneficiary (ries)?

Yes, in fact we prefer this very much because the sponsor himself/herself would be able to measure the situation on first hand experience.

Can I become a volunteer?

Yes! Just reach our information desk for enquiries. You will be asked to submit detailed background information about yourself as would require other necessary information as well.

Does my support really reach my beneficiary(ies)?

Yes they do. And that is the more reason why sponsors are always encouraged to reach on to us or request for updates.

Whom and how to support?

Our information desk is always opened to enquiries about the specific kind of support a funder would want to give. Some sponsors may want to tender assistance base on a particular geographical location, age, sex or religion of a beneficiary, but whatever it may be our course is continually opened to beneficiaries of diverse background. Therefore just reach our information desk as we will perfectly seek what will match your preference.