Children in the Northern region of Sierra Leone have a lower percentage in terms of education as compared to the South, East, and Western areas of the country. Also, the high level of illiteracy rates among adults has further undermined the value of education among children. Parents and stakeholders in the north are still prejudiced towards girl-child education, considering women as domestic objects. The communities where we work are remote and hard-to-reach, and the road network is poor. Because of this, they are not targeted by other development agencies.
Children walk over ten (10) miles to attend school. The nearest available school in some of these communities is 10 miles away; this situation disperses children between the ages of 3 and 13 and also the disables, them from attending school. Due to the high level of poverty, parents cannot afford to send their children to school.
The main objective of our education program is to provide pupils with access to child-friendly school facilities, enhance their retention, and improve their performance in public examinations.